Opinion - Talent and workplaces: a virtuous cycle
By Industry Contributor 11 June 2019Chris Buchanan, the Director of client solutions at Dell South Africa, explains how talent retention can be accomplished, and why a focus on the employee is critical. FULL STORY >

Saving cloud from the jaws of complexity
By Industry Contributor 4 June 2019Complexity has returned to the cloud environment, as managing multi-cloud environments show their dark side. Doug Woolley, GM of Dell Technologies South Africa, offers insight into what organisations can do to mitigate the headaches the complexity would... FULL STORY >

Changing workplaces: Collaboration is in the Detail
By Industry Contributor 3 June 2019Can a workplace encourage more collaboration? Dell Technologies embarked on a journey to find out and give its employees more chances to interact. FULL STORY >

Meet the world’s first AI-created whisky
By Industry Contributor 21 May 2019You may want to grab a stiff drink before you read this, as Microsoft recently revealed that artificial intelligence has now infused itself into the process of making whisky. FULL STORY >

Opinion - The rise of the new-age digital assistant experience
By Industry Contributor 17 May 2019What will better digital assistants mean for users, and will they replace customer service agents entirely? Craig Nel, Mobile & Cognitive Experience (MCX) Leader at Oracle Middle East, Africa and Turkey, offers his perspective. FULL STORY >

Research finds that successful businesses are more likely to adopt AI
By Press Release 13 May 2019According to new research from Microsoft, Altimeter Group and the University of St Gallen in Switzerland there is a marked difference between low and high growth business, with the latter availing themselves of Artificial... FULL STORY >

Opinion - How digital assistants will change the way finance works
By Industry Contributor 10 May 2019Sarah George, ERP/EPM Cloud Applications Business Development Manager and Product Leader at Oracle, explains the rise of digital assiiistants, and what it will mean for the financial sector. FULL STORY >

Opinion: Industrial automation in data centers – infrastructure of tomorrow and beyond
By Industry Contributor 7 May 2019Bradley James, ABB Data Centers Segment Lead, explains data center automation, why it is the future, and what businesses need to know. FULL STORY >

Opinion - Who should care about Diversity & Inclusion?
By Opinion 6 May 2019How can companies create diversity & inclusion for a competitive advantage? Dell Technologies’ Dave Brooke reveals how the MARC program is helping change one of the world’s biggest technology vendors. FULL STORY >

Putting Technology to Work to Help Your Small Business Grow
By Industry Contributor 3 May 2019Many small businesses want to grow, but growing your small business isn’t easy—and the methods that worked in the past may no longer work in a world where disruption is the new normal. Doug Woolley, General Manager of Dell EMC... FULL STORY >

Digital transformation impact explored and explained
By Ryan Noik 8 April 2019How is digital transformation impacting our lives and how can organisations, and people, benefit from it? Kim Scholze, the digital advisory services lead at Microsoft, delves into the topic in greater depth. FULL STORY >

Opinion - Changing workplaces: from sustenance to collaboration
By Industry Contributor 29 March 2019Modern workplaces demand better spaces for collaboration and new employee habits. Dell Technologies opted to start a change in the unlikeliest place: the cafeteria. FULL STORY >

SAS announces $1 Billion investment in Artificial Intelligence
By Press Release 20 March 2019SAS is putting a serious amount of money behind artificial intelligence, announcing their latest billion dollar investment into the emerging technology. FULL STORY >

Opinion - Why artificial intelligence, machine learning are vital to tackling the data explosion
By Industry Contributor 19 March 2019Zakes Socikwa, cloud big data and analytics lead at Oracle, explains why AI and machine learning are vital to the digital age in which we live. FULL STORY >

Dell Diversity series Part 3: Opinion - More women needed at the top of tech
By Industry Contributor 15 March 2019In the third part of Del's diversity series, Haidi Nossair explains that while tech attracts women, more are needed at the top. FULL STORY >
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