By 6 August 2020 | Categories: Press Release



Blue Prism  a global leader in intelligent automation, has again been positioned by Gartner, Inc. in the Leaders quadrant of the “Magic Quadrant for Robotic Process Automation (RPA).

In the 2020 report, Gartner evaluated 16 vendors and has positioned Blue Prism in the Leaders quadrant based on the company’s ability to execute and completeness of vision. According to Gartner, “Leaders provide mature offerings that meet market demand and have demonstrated the vision necessary to sustain their market position as requirements evolve. The hallmark of Leaders is that they focus on, and invest in, their offerings to the point where they lead the market and can affect its overall direction.

As a result, Leaders can become the vendors to watch as you try to understand how new market offerings might evolve. Leaders typically possess a large, satisfied customer base (relative to the size of the market) and enjoy high visibility within the market.

Their size and financial strength enable them to remain viable in a challenging economy. Leaders typically respond to a wide market audience by supporting broad market requirements. However, they may fail to meet the specific needs of vertical markets or other more specialized segments.”2

“We believe our leader placement is a nod to what’s at the heart of the automation revolution—the fact that all systems can be made to interoperate through digital workers,” commented Jason Kingdon, Chairman and CEO of Blue Prism. “Going way beyond traditional RPA, our enterprise-grade technology frees people to create and train a digital workforce that mimics a human, scales as demand increases, and swarms to tasks according to business priority. Soon, every company will have a digital workforce to automate, streamline, and accelerate work—we’re dedicated to making the vision of a digital workforce for every enterprise a reality.”

According to the company, Blue Prism is the only automation product that enables automations to be centrally shared, reused and expanded across the enterprise. As a result, customers get a centralized audit trail of every process automation, including digital worker actions and training history, which helps maintain total compliance and governance transparency.

The company also garnered ringing endorsements from its customers:

“Overall a great tool with many use cases. Blue Prism is a tool that's easy to implement and also easy to learn. Because of this, it makes improving existing processes easier and enables faster implementation of process improvement initiatives.” — Lead Operational Engineer, Services industry

“Blue Prism allowed a quick introduction to RPA technologies into the company, automizing not only simple repetitive human processes, but also complex workflows across a high number of systems merging semi-automated existing processes with manually operations.” — ICT Manager, Energy and Utilities industry

“The perfect partnership for accelerating the delivery of intelligent automation solutions.” — CTO, Healthcare industry

“Working with Blue Prism has allowed us to automate a large part of the manual processes and continues taking us a step forward in the market.” — Project Manager, Finance industry



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