By 16 November 2017 | Categories: Communications



Telesat, a leading global satellite operator, has announced a significant expansion in its relationship with Sat Space Africa, a fast growing IP connectivity company with a large footprint across the continent, contracting for additional Ku-band capacity on Telesat’s Telstar 12 VANTAGE satellite.
The contract was signed in preparation for Sat Space Africa’s launch of a new hub in Namibia, Sat Space Africa’s fifth, which follows their existing hubs in South Africa, Angola and two in the United Kingdom.
The companies began working together earlier this decade and Sat Space Africa is now one of Telesat’s largest customers in the region using both Telstar 12 VANTAGE and Telstar 11N for high performing enterprise VSAT networks. Telstar 11N at 37.5 degrees West and Telstar 12 VANTAGE at 15 degrees Westhave powerful Ku-band beams that together provide full coverage of Sub-Saharan Africa.
“The growth of Sat Space Africa is the result of our strong customer service, our advanced terrestrial network and high performing space segment provided by such satellites as Telesat’s Telstar 11N and Telstar 12 VANTAGE,” said Tillmann Wilschke, newly appointed Managing Director of Sat Space Africa.
“The demand for satellite capacity in Sub-Saharan Africa is forecasted to more than double the next five years. Our ability to compete and capture new customers will be driven by Sat Space Africa’s superior value and the satellite advantages offered by business partners like Telesat,” he explained.
Tom Eaton, Vice President, International Sales for Telesat, commented: “To win in the highly competitive African satellite services market, true innovation is required and Telesat is pleased to be providing the high performing space segment that is enabling Sat Space Africa to succeed.”
“A fast growing company like Sat Space Africa can choose from any number of satellite solutions and it’s rewarding when they decide to utilize the performance and value of Telesat’s Telstar 11N and Telstar 12 VANTAGE for their expansion. Telesat looks forward to further growth with Sat Space Africa and building our presence in the dynamic African Enterprise VSAT market,” he added.



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