Today's unpredictable economy is demanding new levels of insight and innovation from company executives, they need to work together to meet new strategic and tactical challenges. This is according to local entrepreneur and Euphoria Telecom CEO George Golding.
In its quest to help companies gain a competitive edge, Euphoria Telecom is pushing the boundries to provide the most comprehensive and customer centric telephony service South Africa has ever seen.
"Ideally, you want to be able to secure the most advanced technologies without having to spend significant money upfront on hardware. Euphoria’s Cloud PBX makes this possible," says Golding.
With Euphoria’s Cloud VoIP PBX, there are no large servers or systems to purchase. Other than the VoIP phones, there are no capital expenditures to depreciate over time. Customers save from day one on their monthly communications service fees and upfront capital costs.
"This means it comes off of your books. With low monthly communications service fees, you get an outrageously affordable solution that connects your business and employees to a host of capabilities that dramatically improve productivity," he explains.
"That’s right, no expensive boxes or systems required. And the last thing you want to do in this economy, or any economic climate for that matter, is spend tens of thousands of Rands on a phone system."
With Euphoria’s Cloud VoIP PBX, there is no physical box on one's premises. This means there is no hardware to upgrade in order to take advantage of new features and technologies. Upgrades are provided through software changes that happen automatically in the background.
Unlike the complex traditional phone systems, Euphoria’s Cloud VoIP PBX requires very little IT support or training to administer. As a client, one can log into the online Telephone Management System (TMS) to access all their account information, all call detail records reporting and invoices.
"It’s one management issue that will be reduced to a minimum and taken off the shoulders of your IT or office manager. Euphoria’s Cloud VoIP PBX is a sure way to give you the peace of mind that comes from not being constrained by a phone system that only supports a fixed number of employees and can be costly and complicated to expand," he says.
Golding says if resources become squeezed, one can quickly scale back. "On the other hand, if you open a new branch office, or need to provide remote communications, or just need to prepare for a spike in demand around the holidays, it’s quick and easy to scale up without any disruption to your business."
Cloud VoIP is the ideal solution for existing and emerging workforces who demand constant connectivity and productivity from anywhere - and at any time.
"One of the best ways to stay competitive is to focus on your core business. With Euphoria’s Cloud VoIP PBX solution, the management of increasingly complex business communications is done for you off-site," he concludes.
For more information contact Euphoria Telecoms on (010) 593-4500 or email or visit
New tool to gain a competitive edge
By Staff Writer 19 January 2015 | Categories: Software
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