By 17 June 2021 | Categories: Misc



According to Gartner, the digital workplace is a business strategy for promoting employee effectiveness and engagement through a more consumer-like computing environment. Offices are now becoming location and device agnostic and moving to the cloud or following the sun to reduce project duration and increase responsiveness.

ITC Infotech has invested in building a secure digital workplace solution over the years, for a differentiated offering with a proven value proposition. The adoption of the digital workplace by companies across the world is at a nascent stage. But very few understand the relevance of the digital workplace strategy.

A digital workplace is very different from a traditional set-up. It enables clients to drive business value, increase IT efficacy and user interactions by weaving together disruptive technologies. A truly digital workplace generates more local employment, raises employee productivity and engagement, and allows businesses to have a holistic way of dealing with their customers. The post Pandemic world will only act as a catalyst to enhance its implementation.

"COVID has forced many companies to now look for long-term solutions to get back their workplace efficiency. This solution not only enables that but also introduces disruptive technologies and radically new ways of doing business for companies. It creates a digital workplace that allows employees to connect, collaborate, and increase their productivity, especially post COVID,” said Mr. Vishal Kumar, President, ROW, ITC Infotech. “We see significant traction from companies in South Africa, and we are sure it will increase its IT efficacy."

Business Benefits:

  • Provides end-to-end intelligent and innovative unified device management
  • Enhances end-user experience by efficiently leveraging disruptive technologies
  • Quality solution across a range of challenges like multiple time zones, locations and countries
  • User-centric, cost-effective solutions and high delivery standards using customized resources
  • Eliminates the need for dedicated technicians at smaller locations


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