By 19 March 2014 | Categories: Misc



In our recent Q+A session, we asked companies about the one change/ enhancement/ implementation they made in the past two years, which had the biggest impact on productivity or efficiency in the company. We received some interesting feedback.

Eman Liu, President, Huawei Enterprise for Eastern and Southern Africa region

Two years ago, Huawei implemented an internal communications system, called The Huawei eSpace Unified Communications (eSpace UC) solution, which integrates voice, video, web conferencing and instant messaging applications. It enables enterprise employees to use Voice over IP (VoIP), collaborative conferencing, remote training and office applications securely across Huawei’s global footprint of over 140 offices. The solution has improved office collaboration and has increased operating efficiency while cutting operating costs significantly.

Mark Geschke, Managing Director, Space Age Technologies

Our most recent technology investment has not been significant because of the cost, but because of the way it has impacted the creation of an exciting vision with sound, long-term strategies. Harmony TOC is a relatively simple tool and thanks to its ability to help focus attention on the right big ticket items, prioritise correctly and assist with the allocation of management resources, we know we are on track. 

Keith Newnham, Services Manager, Aptronics

Our 24x7 service desk was identified as limiting business efficiency. The existing solution was unable to manage a wide variety of calls, had restricted MIS reporting, project and scheduling capabilities. Upgrading to a cloud-based ITIL compliant solution has resulted in increased productivity levels in technical and project office teams, driving improved customer satisfaction levels and more effective controls across key areas of our business.

Lance Fanaroff, joint CEO, Integr8

We have recently implemented a BI Tool, ZAP, used by all divisions across the company (sales / finance / professional services). This tool allows us to make intelligent decisions based on factual data, which we have further supplemented by our new CRM system, Evolution which also enables Sales forecasting and marketing tool for contact marketing. 



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New smartphone announcements (44 votes)
Technological breakthroughs (28 votes)
Launch of new consoles, or notebooks (14 votes)
Innovative Artificial Intelligence solutions (28 votes)
Biotechnology or medical advancements (22 votes)
Better business applications (133 votes)