By 16 March 2018 | Categories: Misc



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Mobile threats have started to become a real – and large – issue in the current threat landscape. There is no doubt that the hackers are gaining momentum and are finding newer, more innovative ways, to exploit mobile devices.

Global security leader, Trend Micro, has compiled and published a report on the mobile threats exposed in 2017. The report highlights the damage by cyberthreats as well as the possible remedies for the future.

“We’ve come to rely on our mobile devices a great deal. We use them for banking, social media – most people will tell you their entire lives are on their phone or other mobile device,” notes Indi Siriniwasa, Vice President of Trend Micro, Sub-Saharan Africa.

Cyber criminals have become ever more innovative when it comes to attacks. Ransomware, banking Trojans and crypto currency mining are only a few of the exploits that they have deployed.

What’s more, mobile cyber attacks have become epidemic. Last year we saw malware that specifically targeted Android devices, which spread to over 40 countries and which affected 30 000 devices.

“Mobile threats are gaining traction. Many of the exploits can be used for cyber espionage, which is something we saw a lot of last year, and some of those exploits are still active,” Siriniwasa explains.

Mobile exploits also take advantage of legitimate services, a practice which is becoming of increasing concern. The question on everyone’s lips, however, what do we do about it?

“Multi-layered mobile security is essential in order to mitigate attacks. This helps to detect and block malware. In the digital world we live in, we cannot afford to be lax in our efforts to protect our devices. Vigilance and being prepared is key,” concludes Siriniwasa.

Trend Micro’s report, “2017 Mobile Threat Landscape” can be found here:



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