By 31 May 2010 | Categories: news


It appears that defence force fitness isn't what it once was, now that the US Navy wants to beef up new recruits by utilising the talents of the Nintendo Wii. 

Navy Surgeon General Vice Admiral Adam Robinson, who is the highest ranking medical officer in the Navy, said that he wants to utilise games such as Nintendo’s Wii Fit and Konami’s Dance Dance Revolution in order to boost the effectiveness of the Navy’s boot camp.
“There are lots of programs now that people can [use to] become very physically active while they’re using interactive computer games,” Robinson stated in an interview with the Navy Times. “So, in other words, this isn’t about [starting] with computers and stopping [everything else], because we’re not going to do that. This is about incorporating those types of activities into something that people can use to become more physically active.”
This move comes as a result of extra effort needed to be able to whip new recruits into shape, since many young people prefer computer and video games over sports and various other physical activities of previous generations.
The idea of using video games to better the stamina and fitness of the Navy’s new recruits is in its infancy and a timeline hasn’t been set for when the first groups will begin using the consoles. Robinson also admitted that he didn’t know how the Navy might modify the consoles for their training purposes.
Pic: Navy Surgeon General Vice Admiral Adam Robinson courtesy of Navy Times.


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