Apple iPad surpasses 3 million sales mark
By Hanleigh Daniels 23 June 2010 | Categories: news
Apple announced yesterday that it has surpassed the three million mark for iPads sold in just 80 days after it was first launched. This announcement follows in the wake of last week’s record 600 000 iPhone pre-orders which was set by the iPhone 4.
Demand for the iPad continues to remain strong as the company sold it’s first million iPads in 28 days and following its launch in nine new countries, reached the two million mark in less than two months. The three million mark was achieved in less than three months.
The iPad is also set to be launched in an additional nine countries in July.
“People are loving iPad as it becomes a part of their daily lives,” said Steve Jobs, Apple’s cofounder and CEO. “We’re working hard to get this magical product into the hands of even more people around the world, including those in nine more countries next month.”
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