By 1 October 2010 | Categories: news


Ericsson has unveiled its second generation of the F3307mobile broadband module, specifically designed for tablet computers and other consumer electronic devices. Pre-certified with the world’s largest HSPA networks, the advanced module requires minimal power consumption and enables manufacturers to quickly equip tablets and other consumer electronic devices with integrated mobile broadband wireless connectivity.

“Tablet computers are creating a new portable window to the world by redefining the way we connect to the internet and share and search for information. Combining our cost-effective mobile broadband solution with the innovation of tablets, Ericsson is enabling connectivity anywhere at any time” said Mats Norin, vice president of Ericsson Mobile Broadband Modules
Based on ST-Ericsson’s M34x HSPA 7.2 Mbps thin modem platform, the F3307 module reduces power consumption by up to 50% in comparison with previous generations, thereby extending battery life and enabling the key feature of always-on connectivity in portable devices.
The optimised module, with a download speed of up to 7.2 Mbps and an upload speed of up to 5.76Mbps, enables tablet users to directly access the Internet through HSPA, the leading mobile broadband technology in almost 150 countries worldwide. Ericsson modules are also preapproved by mobile operators allowing device manufacturers to cut the product launch phase by shortening the final certification process and enabling faster time to market.
The module also features Quick Connect, which enables an embedded device to connect to the Internet in seconds after resuming from sleep mode, essentially giving end users the seamless experience of always being connected.
Ericsson is also working closely with Intel, optimizing the F3307 mobile broadband module with their upcoming line of processors for tablets codenamed “Oak Trail.”
Ericsson’s F3307 mobile broadband module supports major and open source operating systems and is commercially available on the global market.



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