Gaming News Round-up - The Best Gaming Weekend Edition
By Staff Writer 5 October 2012 | Categories: news
Now is the time to rAge
Gamers rejoice - the really Awesome gaming expo (rAge) has opened its doors this morning. For many, including us, it is the opportunity to play with the new Wii U that will make the trek down to the Coca-Cola Dome so much easier.
As per usual there will be a number of new and upcoming titles to play, while you better lock away your credit card since games, GPUs, rigs, consoles and peripherals will be on sale. We have a reporter on the scene, so expect to hear all about rAge before close of business today.
It’s on till the 7th of October, with a day ticket setting you back R60 and a weekend pass going for R100. For more info visit the rAge website.
WoW sells 2.7 million Pandas
It seems like Mists of Pandaria has done well to lift World of Warcraft’s flailing subscriber base. According to Blizzard Entertainment, during the first week of launch, prior to the release in China on October 2, the expansion had already sold through approximately 2.7 million copies and the game’s global player base passed ten million subscribers, with growth across all major regions.
Blizzard also mentioned that the World of Warcraftdevelopment team is already hard at work on the first major post-launch content update. Further details, including features and release timing, will be provided in the weeks ahead.

No horror for Resident Evil 6 shipments
Joining War of Warcraft on an upward sales curve is Resident Evil 6. The franchise has been a staple of the survivor horror genre since the original appeared in 1996, with Capcom stating that the latest instalment has shipped more than 4.5 million copies worldwide after release on 2 October.
Although there is no word on actual sales to gamers, the company did mention that the Resident Evil franchise has sold more than 50 million units cumulatively.
Reviews of the games have been so-so, but this does not take away from rather awesome looking bosses. IGN has compiled a great montage of some of the best boss moments in Resident Evil 6, but do note that if you are still to play the game there are SPOILERS contained in the video posted below.
Medal of Honor Warfighter Beta kicks off today
FPS fans whose trigger fingers are itching to blast away the twelve different Tier 1 units available within Medal of Honor Warfighter (MoHW), will be happy to hear that the beta for the Xbox 360 version of the game starts today (5 October).
According to the game’s official site, the beta entails multiplayer action with all twelve units and six classes available, whilst full weapon unlocks will be available for the Assaulter class. The shooting action takes place on the Sarajevo Map within a stadium that was shattered by the country's long-running civil war. Players must form Fireteam units of two and work as “a team within the team”, with your Fireteam buddy covering you during firefights and acting as your spawn point if you get killed.
This beta will be released as an Xbox 360 exclusive via the Xbox LIVE marketplace as of 09:00 PST (Pacific Standard Time; around 18:00 local time) and concludes on 15 October at 12:01 AM PST (about 09:01 SA time).
For a taste of some of the shooting and driving action that MoHW features, check out the newly released Pakistan Car Chase trailer posted below.
Ubisoft reveals Assassin’s Creed III Season Pass
Ubisoft has announced the Assassin’s Creed III (ACIII) Season Pass offer, which will become available within six months after the game launches at the end of this month. This Pass will provide players with access to all five upcoming downloadable content packs of the game and will cost 2400 Microsoft Points on Xbox LIVE or less than R260 on the PlayStation Network and Windows PC.
Ubisoft also revealed the details of the first round of DLC for ACIII including “The Tyranny of King Washington”. This all-new single-player campaign presents gamers with an alternate version of history, which sees the greatest hero of the revolution, George Washington, going mad with power and crowning himself King of the US. You must return freedom to the land by dethroning this tyrant that you once called your friend. This story will be told via three episodic content packs.
Beyond this new single player experience, Assassin’s Creed III DLC will also feature new maps and characters to augment the multiplayer experience.

More Max Payne 3 DLC on the way
Following the release of the Local Justice Map Pack in June, Rockstar Games lines up the forthcoming Hostage Negotiation Map Pack within its Max Payne 3 DLC sniper scope. This pack will become available during spring for 800 Microsoft Points on Xbox LIVE or around R85 on PlayStation Network and PC, whilst Rockstar Pass will get it for free.
The DLC includes four new multiplayer maps (Club Moderno, Estádio Do Galatians, O Palácio Strip Club, and Favela Heights), a range of new items and weapons (M24 Sniper Rifle and IA2 Assault Rifle), as well as the Filhos De Ogum avatar faction.

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