Gaming news round-up - The Gran Turismo 5 edition
By Johan Keyter 26 November 2010 | Categories: news
Sony employee bashes Kinect's Star Wars dreams
In a recent interview with Eurogamer, Anton Mikhailov, a software engineer at Sony Computer Entertainment America's research and development department, bashed Kinect's upcoming Star Wars game saying it will work much better on the PlayStation Move.
He didn't reveal any details about a possible Star Wars game for Sony's peripheral, but he called Microsoft Kinect's upcoming title “scripted” and the E3 demo “faked”. Mikhailov said, “there's no way Kinect can do a good lightsaber game. Just never. Unless they give you a stick. If they give you a stick they can do OK, but then they're going to ruin their whole no controller motto.”

Murder your maker
With the Spike TV Video Game Awards right around the corner, hype is starting to build up for some new announcements and first looks. One of the most cryptic titles that will be featured at the show is a title from Call of Duty publishers, Activision.
The publisher has launched a teaser site for Murder Your Maker, a game that will be about, well, we don't know yet. The cryptic teaser site doesn't contain much info either, so it's up to internet detectives to dig up dirt on the new title.
A slight clue comes from the land of game censorship, Australia, as its Office of Film and Literature Classification rated an Activision Blizzard title by the name of Bloodhunt as a “strong violence” title. At this point it's not even clear if the game will be called Murder Your Maker or not, but we'll be keeping a lookout for this mysterious new Activision title.

PS3 and Xbox 360 holding back the PC?
In an interview with Edge, Crytek boss Cevat Yerli, claimed that developer's focus on PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 titles is holding back game quality on the PC.
According to CVG, Crytek, responsible for the graphically intensive PC exclusive Crysis, is currently working on Crysis 2 for all three platforms. Yerli however believes that the PC is easily “a generation ahead” of the current-gen consoles, something he says is holding back the true potential of the system.
“As long as the current console generation exists and as long as we keep pushing the PC as well, the more difficult it will be to really get the benefit of both,” he said. Crysis 2 will be coming out for PC, Xbox 360 and PS3 in March next year, but the question remains if the PC's power will be utilised to its full potential.

Final Fantasy Agito XIII details revealed
Details of upcoming PSP Final Fantasy title, Agito XIII, has been revealed as director Hajime Tabata and his Square Enix team announced that they finished development on The 3rd Birthday.
According to CVG, Tabata, who spoke on Twitter revealed that Agito will be based around a fantasy conflict between four sides. Battles will apparently be fought using both weapons and magic and the game will feature “two side of reality, the ordinary and the extraordinary”.
No release dates have been announced so far for the title.

Gran Turismo 5 is finally released
Racing fans rejoice; the PlayStation 3's long awaited virtual racing simulator, Gran Turismo 5, has finally been released after lengthy delays. The game went on sale on the 24th of November and promises to fulfil any couch racer's wildest dreams with more than 70 tracks and thousands of cars to choose from, the game even allows you to take a spin around the Top Gear test track.
The title was first revealed at E3 2005, before the PlayStation 3 it runs on was even released. Needless to say, fans have been waiting a long time for the game. Reviews so far seem generally positive, with Metacritic posting an early average rating of 86 percent. Watch out for our review on the game sometime next week. In the meantime, feel free to enjoy this gorgeous GT5 trailer.
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