Mac App store launching January 6
By Johan Keyter 17 December 2010 | Categories: news
According to PCWorld, Apple will be launching its new Mac App Store on the 6th of January 2011. The Mac App Store is slated to be a desktop centric version of the company's successful App Store, used in its iOS devices.
The store will make it easier for users of Mac computers to purchase and browse new applications made specifically for the Mac.
The online store will be available in 90 countries at launch (including South Africa), and will offer users a choice between free and paid applications in six different categories. The categories, Education, Games, Graphics & Design, Lifestyle, Productivity and Utilities will be available at launch.
Like the iOS App Store, the Mac App Store will let users sift through the wide range of apps with easy to use search features,also including customer ratings and reviews on featured apps. Any app you purchase can also be run on any of your Mac computers, so there's no need for troublesome licensing on different computers.
As with the iOS App Store, only approved applications will make it through Apple's selection process, but given the huge number of apps already available on Apple's other online store, this shouldn't pose a problem.
Apple CEO Steve Jobs commented, "The App Store revolutionized mobile apps. We hope to do the same for PC apps with the Mac App Store by making finding and buying PC apps easy and fun."
The new Mac App Store will be available to Mac OS X Snow Leapard users as a free download when it launches on the 6th of January.
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