By 24 August 2010 | Categories: news


It is a well known fact that the piracy of intellectual property over Torrent portals and websites such as BitTorrent, uTorrent and PIrate Bay is on the rise internationally.

Locally speaking, many internet users began to take advantage of this freely available content when affordable uncapped ADSL packages were introduced to market by Mweb and other Internet Service Providers (ISPs) earlier this year.

It seems that this convenient, albeit illegal, pass time has gathered considerable momentum, with users downloading movies, series, programs and other content at a remarkable pace.

What this does give an insight into is which content is the most popular among the international community. For this reason torrent news website Torrent Freak has posted a list of the top ten most downloaded movies over torrent portals this week.

1) Salt
2) Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time
3) The Twilight Saga: Eclipse
4) Centurion
5) Sex and the City 2
6) The Expendables
7) Ong Bak 3
8) Toy Story 3
9) The Last Long
10) Date Night

Although this list is subject to change and simply reflects the most downloaded movies this week, it also gives a good insight into which titles are currently most popular internationally.



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