By 13 September 2010 | Categories: news


Nintendo's upcoming ‘no-glasses required’ 3D hand-held gaming platform, the Nintendo 3DS, may have had its release date leaked by a third-party accessory developer, who claims the device will launch on the 20th of November this year.

According to Nintendo Everything, a designer from Keys Factory, a company known for manufacturing Nintendo console accessories, tweeted the following:
“On November 20th, the 11 goods I designed for use with the 3DS will go on sale simultaneously. Those of you buying the 3DS, please buy them while you're at it! This will be officially announced on the homepage eventually, lol. Best regards.”
The developers’ tweet was written in Japanese and we were unable to find his twitter account, but a screenshot was available here.
It's certainly possible for the 3DS to be released as early as 20 November (at least in Japan), as Nintendo revealed the original DS in September of 2004 and released it in December of that same year.
The company is expected to officially announce a release date for the device later this month, at this stage all we truly know is that it will be released before March 31, 2011, when the company’s fiscal year comes to a close.
There is big expectations from the Nintendo 3DS, especially since the device would be able to display 3D graphics without the need for stereoscopic glasses.


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