Panjo captures attention on Google
By Tom Manners 2 August 2010 | Categories: news
It seems that the South African wilderness was not the only place locals were searching for Panjo the Tiger last week.
Following the captive tiger’s disappearance in Mpumulanga last week, South African internet users began to more frequently search for news regarding the animal’s whereabouts online.
According to recently released Google Zeigeist search results the term ‘Panjo’ came in at first position for rising searches during the past week, above the likes of ‘Starcraft 2’. ‘Wikileaks’ and ‘Durban July’.
These search requests peaked on July the 29th, the day after the Bengal tiger was found.
Following his discovery on July 29th veterinarians determined that Panjo was both fit and healthy and had eaten at some point during his sojourn.
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