Solving your 3DS battery woes
By Johan Keyter 28 March 2011 | Categories: news
The Nintendo 3DS was finally released to global audiences over the weekend, with the 3D handheld making its South African and European debut last week Friday. One of the few things the device has been criticised for thus far is its short battery life, coming in at around three hours.
This means the handheld won't be able to see you through most flights without needing a charge, nor will it last terribly long on the road. Luckily, 3DS users who often find themselves far from a power outlet can now keep their handheld going thanks to the Universal Gadget Wrist Charger.
Otherwise known as the 'Bracer of Battery Life +2', the 82 gram device is strapped around a user's wrist like a standard wristwatch, Destructoid reports. Inside it contains a rechargeable 5.5 V lithium ion battery with a capacity of 1 500 mAh. A short cable connects the handheld to the device on your wrist, making it easy to charge while you're playing.
The device itself is recharged via your PC's USB port and includes LED lights which shows how much power is left.
It also comes with nine different adapters, meaning in addition to charging your DS Lite/DSi/3DS, it can also charge your iPhone, Nokia, LG, Samsung or Sony devices.
Who says wrist worn technology is old hat?
Otherwise known as the 'Bracer of Battery Life +2', the 82 gram device is strapped around a user's wrist like a standard wristwatch, Destructoid reports. Inside it contains a rechargeable 5.5 V lithium ion battery with a capacity of 1 500 mAh. A short cable connects the handheld to the device on your wrist, making it easy to charge while you're playing.
The device itself is recharged via your PC's USB port and includes LED lights which shows how much power is left.
It also comes with nine different adapters, meaning in addition to charging your DS Lite/DSi/3DS, it can also charge your iPhone, Nokia, LG, Samsung or Sony devices.
Who says wrist worn technology is old hat?
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