THQ's first 3DS title stars... Spongebob
By Johan Keyter 23 March 2011 | Categories: news
As Nintendo's 3DS handheld moves closer and closer to launch, several game publishers have been announcing future titles for the device.
One of these publishers is THQ, responsible for games such as Saint's Row and the Warhammer series, who have revealed that its first 3DS title will be named Spongebob Squigglepants.
According to CVG, the game will make its debut this May and is obviously marketed mainly at the younger demographic.
The title will make use of the 3DS's gyroscope and motion sensors, along with its unique touch interface and 3D visuals. Players will navigate Spongebob through worlds by tilting, flipping and dragging. The game will also include an exclusive 3D level outfitted in the show's unique art style.
A Wii version will also be made available, although it will obviously be missing out on the 3D features.
So if you're either a big Spongebob fan or have little ones running around, this might be a title worth looking into.
Otherwise, if you prefer a somewhat more hardcore gaming experience you might want to wait for another THQ 3DS title in the works called Saints Row: Drive-By, which unfortunately does not have a release date yet.
According to CVG, the game will make its debut this May and is obviously marketed mainly at the younger demographic.
The title will make use of the 3DS's gyroscope and motion sensors, along with its unique touch interface and 3D visuals. Players will navigate Spongebob through worlds by tilting, flipping and dragging. The game will also include an exclusive 3D level outfitted in the show's unique art style.
A Wii version will also be made available, although it will obviously be missing out on the 3D features.
So if you're either a big Spongebob fan or have little ones running around, this might be a title worth looking into.
Otherwise, if you prefer a somewhat more hardcore gaming experience you might want to wait for another THQ 3DS title in the works called Saints Row: Drive-By, which unfortunately does not have a release date yet.
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