By 21 July 2009 | Categories: gizmos


Digital note-taking solutions, with the ability to digitally record what you are writing, usually rely on costly special paper to operate, or a special notepad you need to write on. The Ink-DIGI Notemaker pen luckily functions a little differently.

It comes with a base receiver unit that simply connects to either the top of a page or the top corners if you’re working from a notepad.

Both the pen and base unit operates wirelessly, with cables only coming into play when you want to download your notes to PC.

Once your notes are uploaded the Notemaker uses optical character recognition (OCR) to convert your writing to document text, with the possibility to train the NoteTaker OCR software to better recognise your handwriting. If connected the Notemaker pen can also be used to draw images, or as a mouse.

Ink-DIGI Notemaker is one of the smartest digital solutions we’ve come across.

For R1200 incl. VAT from FCE Technical Services on 012 808 0142 or


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