By 4 September 2012 | Categories: gizmos


SanDisk’s Eye-Fi card has been available for a while overseas, and at long last the card has received approval from ICASA for local distribution. So what makes this SDHC card so different from the rest? It quite ingeniously includes a Wi-Fi connector inside its regular sized SD card frame, which uploads all your photos to your PC.
The set-up process for this is fairly easy, but it means that both your PC and the disk need to be connected to the same router. Using the Eye-Fi Centre software, you can set the card to delete content as soon as it has uploaded, while it can also upload automatically to certain social networking and photo sharing sites (Facebook, Flickr, MobileMe, Picasa and an FTP server).
Unfortunately, Dropbox is not amongst these. None the less, we did not have any hassles setting up the card, although Wi-Fi enabled cameras took us longer. Even so, the convenience of photos uploading to your PC when you enter the house after a long day of shooting is not to be underestimated.
There are also Eye-Fi apps available for iOS and Android devices which should pique the interest of photographers who want to view images on a larger screen, such as an iPad, when doing photo shoots, since these connect directly and don’t require you to connect to your network first.
While a regular 4 GB SD card will set you back R100, the 4 GB SanDisk Eye-Fi card retails for R560 (8 GB – R780). Call Tudortech on 011-803-2226.
This article first appeared in TechSmart 108, September 2012


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