Certain sports titles such as Tiger Woods PGA Tour 11 and the EA Sports 2010 FIFA World Cup South Africa aim to virtually recreate the sport that they are based on. Everybody’s Tennis’ cartoon-like approach is much more arcade friendly, adding fun and quirky elements that will appeal to a broader base of players.
The look and feel
The characters all look more like they belong in an anime tennis series rather than a Tennis video game. Adding to this cartoonish feel are the game’s effects, which include dislodging bricks from the wall behind your opponent, as well as a non-permanent crater forming on the courts where you’ve placed your winning ace. We also liked the quirky, well designed courts which include creative additions such as court on a farm complete with mooing cows and water puddles.
The controls are simple, allowing players to jump straight into a match without any trouble, using one button per shot controller layout (like triangle to lob the ball). There is also a great replay feature which allows you to instantly and effortlessly replay your moment of triumph from numerous angles.
Mini RPG
Developers Clap Hanz has also included some choice elements found in RPG games within Everybody’s Tennis. Players can walk around the Tennis inspired world in the game’s Story Mode, where they can chat to the characters and challenge them to a Tennis match in a similar way that you would if they were playing a Pokémon title.
If you keep playing the game with the same character, the loyalty points of that character will increase. You can purchase new clothing and equipment with your points which leads to an improvement in the abilities of your character, for instance buying a new hat and uniform improves your character’s shot power.
If you don’t want to bother with the story, you can play the Singles or Doubles Exhibition matches which are a lot of fun (especially the Doubles matches) and you’ll still be rewarded with loyalty points in Exhibition mode.
Final thoughts
Fun and quirky, the majority of gamers will adore Everybody’s Tennis for its family friendly cartoon-style presentation and graphics, RPG story integration and easy-peasy arcade style controls.

Cute cartoon look and feel, some RPG elements in a sports game and fun arcade gaming factor.

The game utilises really chirpy, but cheesy, theme music.