The AirLive AirMax5 is an all-in-one wireless 5GHz CPE. If you are looking for a cost effectively way to build a wireless outdoor network then this device is the ideal solution.
The most impressive thing about the device is its multiple operation modes function. It can be used in Access Point, Client, Wireless Distribution System, or Wireless Internet Service Provider mode. This means you can use it to access a network via a wireless device, bridge networks, and even provide others with network access.
The AirMax5 has an integrated 14dBi 5 GHz antenna, can be powered via Ethernet (up to 100 meters) and sports a high grade anti-UV casing. When considering that it can provide wireless coverage over a distance of 3 km, thanks largely to its 108 Mbps Atheros 11a radio, the AirMax 5 really is a powerful unit. The fact that it cost just R1249 (excl VAT) makes it affordable as well.
Call Nology for more info on 012-657-1317.