Running from camera blog
By Hanleigh Daniels 19 January 2010 | Categories: web time wasters
Run Lola Run was one of our favourite movies. Although there wasn’t anything really new in the plot, the way the movie was shot was pretty innovative as a type of movie predecessor to the game Mirror's Edge.
The storyline concerns a guy named Manni, who somehow manages to lose a large amount of his merciless, gangster bosses’ money. After being called by Manni and informed of the situation, his girlfriend Lola rushes out of her apartment, down the street, on her way to meet with him and by some miracle find the money. So she’s basically running for the entire length of the movie on her quest to save her boyfriend from the horrible fate that awaits him.
The Running from camera blog reminds us of the movie as, the premise for the blog is a guy who activates a 2 seconds self-timer on his camera, puts it down, pushes the capture button and then sees how far from it he can run before it takes his photo.
There are pics of him in all weather conditions and in different places from around Europe (though most are taken in his native Netherlands). He runs in some varying and creative locations as well, not simply in the open, for example in a niche between two houses and in between the aisles of a store.
Though one would expect the entertainment value of the blog to wear thin rather quickly, it has developed a type of Where’s Wally appeal that has you checking the blog on a near weekly basis to see where in the world he is running now. If you take a particular fancy to one of the pics, you can post a comment on it or you can email the blogs' author with some of your own suggestions.
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