By 8 February 2012 | Categories: web time wasters


Howcast could be considered the YouTube of DIY, as the site focuses on ‘how to’ accomplish a broad spectrum of tasks across a staggering array of categories. These include arts and media, business and finance, crafts and hobbies, first aid, house and garden, personal care and style, personal fitness and technology, to name but a few. The site offers a wealth of knowledge, but a good broadband speed is recommended.
It’s one thing to complain about municipal problems here in SA, it’s another thing to do something about it. Mobilitate is a platform where citizens from across the country can report a municipal problem by pin-pointing the exact location of the problem via Google Maps. In turn, Mobilitate sends the issue to the relevant municipality and at the same time notifies the ward councillor. With 2025 issues resolved already, why not join their community today?
We love thinking about and pondering ideas and concepts. For those who similarly crave mental stimulation, BigThink is a superb site to engage one’s grey matter. The site hosts experts from a variety of fields and professions, such as a cognitive neuroscientist, an English professor, authors, artists, comedians, futurists, a Nobel Prize winning psychologist and a senior bioethicist from NASA. It makes for some excellent reading material.
The best (and weirdest) YouTube can offer:
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