By Andrew Gould 7 January 2009


For the image conscious, but the low on cash, the iPod Touch might finally be the answer to the illusive iPhone. If you don’t know by now, the iPhone 3G is the most over-hyped, over-priced tech-toy on the planet. The iPod Touch however, isn’t.

Even though the landing page for the iPod Touch on Apple’s website does feature nauseating Coldplay’s Chris Martin, we still managed to keep our food down. All thanks to the stunning array of Chris Martin defying features.

But back to the issue at hand; the iPhone and new Touch look almost identical. You really do need a side-by-side comparison to tell them apart. And here’s the thing, the new Touch has every single feature that the iPhone has, minus the phone and GPS. But at half the price, who cares! What’s more, people will think you have an iPhone, so you have the double satisfaction of being admired by your peers and in having fooled them all!

The new design is great, the silver back is even better than the iPhone, we think. And the multi-touch touch interface is probably the best touch-screen we’ve seen so far. The Touch also has WiFi connectivity so you can surf the Internet, wherever there’s a WiFi hotspot.

So here’s a TechSmart top tip: If you want an iPhone buy an iPod Touch. RRP: from R3298 (incl VAT).

The multi-touch touch interface and WiFi connectivity.
Despite Wi-Fi connectivity but internet usage is limited.

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