By Andrew Gould 30 October 2008


If you’re a businessman or woman looking for some ­serious street cred on the ­trading floor or boardroom, then you need a phone that shouts “smart phone”. The E71 is one of the phones shouting it from the hilltops.

Many people only think: “Ah, a smart phone”, if it has a full QWERTY keypad. The E71 will, by this definition, attract a reaction from people that often results in: “Oh, that’s fancy” and it is.

The E71 is packed to the hilt with features including, just about every connectivity option you can think of: GPRS, HSCSD, EDGE, 3G, HSDPA, WiFi, Bluetooth, Infrared and USB.

The E71’s keyboard isn’t as good as it could be. Nokia has gone for a compromise by making the phone slimmer than it’s competitors, meaning that the buttons have become smaller and this makes text input rather a fiddly process. But if you have ET-like fingers and like to show off your phone, than this might just be the phone you’re looking for.

The handset is extremely slim at just 10mm and every connectivity feature available.
It has an extremely small QWERTY keyboard and the camera quality isn't great.

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