The Nokia N79 Active has three aspects that interacts to create the perfect training and performance enhancer.
It comes with a Bluetooth Polar heart rate monitor, A-GPS and an ingenious application called Sports Tracker.
What Sports Tracker does is give live feedback on your current performance directly on the phone.
While jogging you can track how far you’ve jogged, your heart-rate, pace, distance and position. Afterwards your training is saved and you can view additional data such as heart rate distribution, speed vs distance, etc.
Sports Tracker keeps a training diary which you can upload to Nokia’s Sports Tracker beta website.
Here it will store all your info and also display, on Google Maps, the route you covered. Your routes can also be shared with the community.
It is an ingenious package and we can highly recommend it to anyone serious about their athletic performance. The only gripe we had was that the phone’s layout isn’t specifically designed with sports in mind, so it’s a struggle pressing small buttons while jogging.