Canon Series: Interview with Laura McCullagh, Part 1
By Staff Writer 8 April 2016 | Categories: sponsored content
Laura McCullagh is one of those photographers who has managed to grasp a number of different genres. Best known for her concert photography, she's set to speak at the upcoming Canon Roadshow. We've managed to track her down for our Canon Series and chat about two very important things: photography and bands.
TechSmart: Do you have a favourite band to photograph? If there is one band that you could have captured, who would it be and where?
Laura McCullagh: There are a few bands that are always great to shoot, but I find it easier to generalise than get specific so I'd have to say genre-wise my favourite acts to shoot are metal and rock. Anything energetic really. I don't have to enjoy a band's music to enjoy shooting them, but it's always better when I'm doing both.
So far my favourite band to shoot has been Editors at One Night in Cape Town in 2014. They're one of my top bands and I loved every second of shooting and listening to that performance.
My favourite band ever is probably Kent and sadly they're doing their last tour this year, meaning I'll never get to see let alone shoot them, unless I head to Sweden in the next four months. So if I could've shot anyone, anywhere, I would have to be Kent at Roskilde Festival in 2005. They released my favourite of their albums that year plus it's been a dream of mine to attend Roskilde for about a decade.
Can you describe what major equipment is in your camera bag right now and what do you never leave behind? Also, is there a cheap piece of gear that is essential?
My typical gig kit is my Canon EOS 6D, the 580EX II Speedlite, spare batteries for both, the 24-105mm f4L, 70-200m f4L (depending on the venue) and 8-15 f4L fisheye (depending on the venue). Essential items: earplugs or at the very least tissues to substitute for earplugs, a soft cloth for cleaning your lenses and also a scrap piece of paper and a pen. I'm amazed at how many times this has been useful, no-one seems to carry pens anymore.
All images courtesy and copyright of Laura McCullagh. For more of her work, visit her portfolio website, Facebook, YouTube or Blog.
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