By 3 August 2015 | Categories: sponsored content


In our ongoing Canon Series, TechSmart tracked down commercial photographer and producer of the recent Somer Son movie, Clinton Lubbe. We tasked him with picking his favourite lens to shoot with.

Clinton Lubbe: The Canon EF 85mm f/1.2L II USM Lens. As portraitist, the first time I held this lens, taking pause to marvel at its sexy curves and bulging glass, I fell in love. Then you put it on a body, open it up and… exquisite!

The 85mm f/1.2L II is heavy and slow compared to the lighter pieces, so perhaps not ideal in many situations, but I enjoy the romantic notion that anything worth having is worth fighting for. The few you miss are acceptable collateral for the one you do get. The lens’ great worth lies in the ability it affords you to manipulate a background, to change something bland or busy into something beautiful.


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