By 29 January 2016 | Categories: news


If you thought the forthcoming DLC for Dying Light: The Following Enhanced Edition was just an addendum to Dying Light (review), you are going to have to put that misconception to rest. It may have started out that way, but clearly, there is a lot more going in here than a simple add on.

The latest trailer shows just how vast the game is going to be, coming in at twice the size of Dying Light, and boasting an exhaustive number of varying locales to explore.

These include a ghost town, lighthouse, granary, race track, spooky graveyard (in which the dead are neither resting nor at peace), and a hermit’s cabin with a secret beneath its floorboards. Additionally, it looks like the game’s breadth will give plenty of opportunity for parkour and head lobbing, not to mention running and driving like your life depends on it.    

The DLC is set to arrive in February for PS4, Xbox One and PC, so you may want to start practicing your parkour skills now.


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