Fret Zeppelin - Your route to becoming a guitar god
By Staff Writer 27 January 2017 | Categories: news
Learning to play any instrument is frustrating; add in a shortened attention span caused by our addiction to technology, and that dream of becoming a muso is all but gone. The folks over at Fret Zeppelin think they’ve got the hack needed for you to become the next Jimmy Page, or at least to master more than three chords on your guitar.
Fret Zepplin is an LED light-based learning system that shows exactly where to put your fingers on the neck of your instrument. Thin LED light panels are slotted in just above the frets, and with the LED lit up, users should be able to master notes, chords, and scales, progressing on to different songs and musical styles. The LED lights work in tandem with the companion app which picks up the sound and shows you where to press next.
Unfortunately, it’s not available yet, since the project is still on Kickstarter. The good news is it should be coming soon, since the project surpassed its goal of $48 000, reaching up to $137 268 at time of publishing, with 12 days left to go.
If you would like to get one when the project is set to deliver in October 2017, then you need to pay $199. The company states that this is a low Kickstarter price, so how much a Fret Zeppelin will eventually retail for is unknown.
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