By 22 May 2015 | Categories: news


Perhaps one of, if not the best exclusive title to ever grace the PlayStation console, God of War is set to return once again. The Remastered version of God of War III is currently available for pre-order with its release dated for 15 July this year. Not that we needed much convincing, but Sony has debuted new in-game footage of the Remastered edition, as Kratos tackles Hades in glorious 1080p/60fps quality, making the brutality all the more gruesome. 

Designed exclusively for the PS4, this newly polished version "lets Kratos’ legendary battles against the gods of Greek mythology really sing," according to Sony. Along with improved visuals, the company will also be adding God of War - Fall of Olympus Dynamic Theme to those that opt to pre-order the game. 

While it's already been a decade since Kratos' journey began with God of War, this new footage has us ready to pick up our controllers one more time. Check out the 9-minute long Hades boss battle footage after the break. 


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