By 25 April 2016 | Categories: news


If you currently tout a Chromebook, or a device that works off Google's Chrome operating system, there could be a greater deal more functionality in the works for your Android-based tech ecosystem. According to reports, Chrome OS could offer access to Android apps via the Google Play Store. The report comes from Ars Technica, which cites Reddit user TheWiseYoda (great name by the way), who found a checkbox stating "Enable Android apps to run on your Chromebook."

This message will only pop up on Chromebooks currently using version 51 of Chrome OS. The Verge says the option to select said checkbox disappears quickly, but clearly serves as an indication that Chromebooks will have access to the entire library of Android apps and games on the Google Play Store, in their opinion. 

We'd tend to agree, especially as such a move would indeed make the Chrome OS more appealing to consumers. Locally, there are only a handful of Chromebooks available, with Acer being one of the main suppliers at the moment. 

While opening up the Android ecosystem to Chromebooks seems a solid move, whether or not users in fact opt for such a device will still hinge on one's level of internet connectivity, with a stable connection being one of the key aspects to using a Chromebook.


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