Horror, Sci-Fi and Fantasy books all on offer in latest Humble Bundle
By Staff Writer 3 November 2017 | Categories: news
Horror, Sci-Fi and Fantasy all get mixed up in the latest Humble Book Bundle, and it’s a good one, especially if you’re into short stories. The Humble Book Bundle: Multi-Genre Fiction by Night Shade offers a multitude of well-known authors on offer for cheap.
For a measly $1 you can equip yourself with six books, including some dystopian fiction in the form of Brave New Worlds that offers stories by Neil Gaiman, Orson Scott Card, and Ursula K. Le Guin. There’s also Best Horror of the Year Volume 1 which includes some frightening tales compiled in 2009, and Reanimatrix which combines Lovecraftian horror with crime noir.
Move one up to the $8 tier and you stumble across some decent fantasy, including the fun Witches be Crazy by Logan Hunder and a new spin on old fairy tales compiled in Beyond the Woods. There are two reasons why we would cough up the extra dosh thanks to Best Science Fiction of the Year Volume 2, and more Lovecraftian madness in Book of Cthulhu 2.
If you are still flush you can drop $15 and pick up books by Jeremy Robert Johnson, Martha Wells, Nick Mamatas and John Homor Jacobs amongst others, bringing you to a total of $212 worth of books to add to your library.
If you are into tabletop miniatures, you might want to browse to the Humble RPG Book Bundle: WARMACHINE, HORDES, and Iron Kingdoms, while those with a predilection for the cloud should go and check out all the titles on offer at The Humble Book Bundle: Cloud Computing. Both work on the same principle of pay what you like, offering great value for money.
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