By 2 September 2024 | Categories: news


By Thabo Tsolo, CEO and Game Designer at SpaceSalad Studios

In 2022, South Africa accounted for $236 million of the African video game industry revenue. It is projected that the Middle East and Africa video gaming industry will top the $559 million revenue mark at the end of this year, an 8.2% growth year-on-year. The same research shows that the region encompasses 16% of the world’s gamers. It should therefore not come as a surprise that many people think that a career in gaming is potentially very lucrative.

The gaming industry as a whole has evolved dramatically over the past few decades. From a niche hobby to a global entertainment powerhouse, gaming is big business. With only five years of Space Salad Studios being operational and having launched before the global pandemic and surviving it, I believe that gaming can be a sustainable career. However, how you position yourself and adapt to staying relevant are key factors to consider.

One of the things that makes a career in gaming appealing is the sheer choice of roles available. These include being a developer, sound designer, writer, marketer, or graphic designer. Going beyond the creative side, development houses are businesses. As such, they require day-to-day services such as accounting, business analysts, and management.

What’s more, AI has introduced even more freedom in the creative process, expanding opportunities for innovation. And yet, job stability is still a concern. This is especially the case in a small market like South Africa. Securing long-term employment is therefore not guaranteed. My advice to aspiring game developers is to consider going independent or starting their own projects, even if this comes as a side hustle while holding down a 9-to-5 job.

Even so, there are signs that the market is turning. Research shows that mobile accounted for 91% of gaming revenue in South Africa last year, with the average player sending more than R440 on mostly in-game microtransactions. This means there are significant opportunities for aspiring game developers to tap into this growth segment of the market. There are also international grants available for local developers and the South African government has also begun offering limited grants in this segment.

Additionally, more tertiary institutions in the country are offering specialised courses in game design. Corporates are also embracing the concept of gamification. This is where game design principles are applied across various industries. Medical aid companies, insurers, travel operators, and others are using gamification to drive customer loyalty. The diverse nature of these sectors highlights the versatility of a gaming career, making it more sustainable in the long run.

For anyone considering a career in gaming, it is important to find a work environment where you feel supported, both professionally and personally. We are lucky to have Venture Builder Aions Creative Technology in our corner. The industry’s demanding nature can take a toll on one’s mental health. However, do not let fear hold you back. Yes, there are risks, but every failure is a lesson.

The gaming industry is evolving, and there is a place for new voices and fresh ideas. It is also important to stay humble and open to learning from others, especially those who have been in the industry longer.


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