By 17 March 2014 | Categories: news


Part of what TechSmart is all about, is a renewed awareness of pleasing aesthetics in the world around us. Making sure things are not only functional, but also beautiful, adds to the experience of living life to the full. Whether it’s about fashion, grooming, or in this case, knowing your way around a kitchen. Indeed, ugly food prepared in an ugly way tastes, well, ugly. Like Mr Ramsey says – the eyes eat first. With that in mind, gentlemen, grab your spatulas – it’s time to cook with gas.

This Yari Damascus Steel Chef’s knives set consists of 67 compressed layers of Japanese steel, and is the closest to a real katana sword you’ll ever get.

R4 260.

yari knives, yari damascus steel shef knives

Once you’ve got the blades, it’s time to become a master of the chopping board. This board is specifically designed for the ultra precise chef, or those with OCD.

The Obsessive Chef Cutting Board. R256.

cutting board, obsessive chef

Smeg/smug – coincidence? Who cares. This incredible 50s retro-style fridge will keep your food stuffs cool while looking hot.

Smeg FAB28RBV3
R22 000.

smeg fridge

WesCo’s set of bins is much more than just places to put things – they are elements of beauty and design that instantly inspire the inner culinary.

Bread Bin R1 500. Rubbish Bin R4 050.

No kitchen is complete without some form of Le Creuset pottery. Loved not only for their incredible colors, these guys make a mean stew as well. The whistling kettle is the perfect addition to round off your collection.

Prices vary according to size and sets. Le Creuset Store, Woodlands.

Le Creuset

Article written by Mynhardt van Pletsen


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