By 4 March 2015 | Categories: news


With four Oscar nominations to his name, none of which resulted in a win, perhaps Leonardo DiCaprio's latest venture is an effort to finally bag him that missing golden statue. Having turned down the starring role in the upcoming Steve Jobs biopic, DiCaprio has signed up for what will arguably be his most challenging role (or is that roles?): playing 24 different characters in the yet-to-be dated The Crowded Room.

The film is an adaptation of Daniel Keyes' non-fiction book The Minds of Billy Milligan. Published in 1981, the book chronicles the real-life events and experiences of Billy Milligan, a man charged with armed robbery and the rape of three women in the 70s. What makes his case particularly significant is the fact that he was the first person to use mental illness as a defence in court.

Therein lies the 24 roles that DiCaprio will be playing. According to the book, Milligan referenced a number of alternate personalities during trial, including a Yugoslavian man named Ragen, who carried out the robbery. Another alter-ego, a lesbian named Adalana was said to behind the three rape incidents, according to Milligan.

An intriguing story indeed, it will be truly interesting to see how well DiCaprio can pull this off.


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