By 6 September 2018 | Categories: news


There are two interesting and relevant book bundles currently on offer over at Humble Bundle. The one perhaps most pertinent for the future is the Machine Learning (ML) bundle coming from publisher O’Reilly. Stacked with books that will give you an introduction to ML, but then also delving deeper into subjects such as Deep Learning and TensorFlow, this should be a good buy even if you just have a passing interest.

A measly one dollar will get you titles such as Machine Learning is Changing the Rules, and Introduction to Machine Learning with R. Pay $8 or more and you’re in for Machine Learning & Security, and Deep Learning, while $15 bags you all the books, valued at $641. There’s only four days left at the time of writing, so don’t dally.

If good User Interface or User Experience is more your thing, then head over to the UI/UX by Wiley bundle. Here you’ll find books such as Usable Usability: Simple Steps for Making Stuff Better, The Essential Guide to User Interface Design and Understanding Color. Like all Humble Bundle it starts at $1, with $15 getting you everything on the list, which is worth $734. The books we are most interested in are Type Rules: The Designer's Guide to Professional Typography, while Designing Information: Human Factors and Common Sense in Information Design also looks promising. By buying any of these bundles, you will also be supporting the relevant charity, so you’re actually doing others a favour with your purchase.


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