By 25 June 2014 | Categories: news


Do you find yourself already bored with taking scads of selfies, or on the other side of the spectrum, are just exceptionally annoyed by other people’s preoccupation with them? Well, make way for ‘melfies’ (trademark pending) – where rather than just taking and sharing so many snapshots of their face that Narcissus himself would blush, self absorbed smartphone lovers will be able to turn their smartphone videocamera on themselves and make music videos instead.

At least, this seems to be the goal behind the release of music entertainment platform Starmaker Interactive, which has launched its StarMaker 3.0 app on iOS and Android platforms, which enables users to use their onboard camera to create music video selfies and then upload them to YouTube.

More particularly, by using the front-facing camera on their smartphones, users will be able to use the app to see and record video of themselves performing their favorite songs. StarMaker provides an in-app singing guide with a game-like interface, and then dishes up a score based on the performance.

To sing or to screech, that is the question

According to the company, “highly shareable video and synchronized best-of-breed audio, with or without audio effects like the wildly popular Auto-Tune,” can then be uploaded to YouTube and shared across social platforms. This means that everyone will be able see your efforts at becoming the next Justin Bieber, and your best man could show your video to all guests at your wedding.

The app does beg the question whether Harry and Lloyd’s next outing in Dumb and Dumber To might contain a scene in which one of the intellectually-challenged duo say Want to hear the most annoying sound in the world, and proceed to play some poor sap’s melfie on their smartphone.

Snark aside, the app does apparently have a more serious and exciting side too, as StarMaker has partnered with talent discovery show The Voice for users to create music videos and have a chance at a callback audition to appear on the highly popular vocal talent show.

For those of us for whom silence is (still) golden, the news is not all bad, as this guy’s very good lip-sync attempt at a selfie music video while stuck overnight in an airport in Las Vegas attests.

"We're giving the next generation of stars immediate access to music-loving fans around the world; a hand-held studio that can accelerate their industry exposure, fan base, and ultimately their career using something we all carry around in our pockets," commented Nathan Sedlander, president and co-founder of StarMaker.

This aspiration is certainly noble, and for those talented singers still waiting in the wings, the app's update is welcome news. For the rest who are not quite so talented....well, consider yourself warned, and brace yourself for those out there who are (wrongly) convinced that they are the next star in the making. In the not too distant future, you might just long for the days of the innocuous if incessant selfies, which were at least silent.


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