By 17 March 2015 | Categories: news


According to a new survey conducted by Skift, an American website specialising in travel and trends, millennials go about travel far more differently than older generations. The survey was taken by roughly 750 American millennials, and asked them various travel-related questions regarding their habits and choices over the past twelve months. One of the more interesting aspects, was the fact that 84.2% of millennials did not use a travel agent when planning and booking their most recent trip.

Skift highlighted that the most recent figure of 9.9% of millennial travel agent users, shows a significant decrease in "Yes" responses compared to a similar survey conducted by the Travel Weekly a year ago, in which 28% of individuals said they opted for using travel agents.

Digging slightly deeper into the findings of the survey, it seems there are three distinct variables when it comes to the use of travel agents by millennials. The first is gender, with more males opting to use a travel agent (11.1%) compared to their female counterparts (8.8%) in the last 12 months. The next factor is age, with far more younger millennials (18-24) using travel agent services (13.3%), as opposed to older ones (25-34) making use of a travel agent (7.7%). The final variable is location, as millennials located in urban areas made far greater use of travel agents, whereas as those in rural areas decided to use them far less.

Skift will continue asking similar survey questions in the coming months. Although not a sweeping representation of the millennials at large, this relatively small survey will undoubtedly provide some insight into how the travel industry should try to attract the attention of the millennial generation. This holds even more significance when considering that the millennial generation will make up the primary workforce over the next decade, and as such command a large portion of the market spend across a number of industries.


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