By 7 December 2015 | Categories: news


In case you too cannot get your fill of the excellent Rise of the Tomb Raider (review) then you will be glad to know there’s more on the way. More particularly, the first piece of story DLC, Baba Yaga: The Temple of the Witch, has received its own trailer, and it’s a doozy.

Suffice to say, it looks like once again Lara will have her hands full confronting a supernatural threat.

As seen below, the DLC adds a spooky story arc to the main game, as Lara has to survive and face down the titular fearsome witch and her minions. Along with new enemies to snipe with your bow, the DLC will also bring a new tomb to the fore, because let’s face it, you can never have enough tombs littered with the skeletons of unfortunate other trespassers.  

Baba Yaga: The Temple of the Witch is slated to arrive January, which, frighteningly enough, is not far away at all. It is currently included in the season pass for the game


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