By 8 February 2016 | Categories: news


Innocentrix’s #FeesMustFall Ideas Challenge has reached the next stage, with public voting having started on its online platform.

The #FeesMustFall Ideas Challenge is an Open Innovation Challenge that allowed for anyone with an idea on affordable higher education to submit it for consideration. The entire challenge is managed on an online platform created and sponsored by The Blue Globe (UK) and Skild (USA).

This first phase of the challenge remained open for the month of November 2015, with numerous innovative ideas having been received. The second phase of the challenge revolved around a panel of judges whose task it was to review all submitted ideas. Once all ideas were reviewed, a list of the 10 best ones was finalised. This top 10 list will now be made available for public viewing.

In order to select the best idea, the winner of the R10 000 cash prize, Innocentrix will be relying on public votes submitted through the online platform. The online voting platform is available at:

Voting is open for everyone, with an account needed to participate that can be created on the spot. Whilst voting will determine the winning idea, Innocentrix is set to use all ideas submitted to compile a comprehensive report to submit to government and other higher education stakeholders.

Innocentrix believes that many challenges that South Africans face locally can be solved through innovation, collaboration and co-creation. The company notes that the submitted ideas have the potential to generate real and positive change in higher education, both here and internationally.

For more information on the origins and aims of the #FeesMustFall Ideas Challenge, visit the website at or send Innocentrix an email at


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