By 31 August 2016 | Categories: news


In June this year, reports suggested Google would be going in-house for the manufacturing of its own Nexus-branded mobile devices. While this could still be the case, the latest rumours coming out of Android Central say Google will in fact be dropping the Nexus-brand in favour of something closer to the company's own branding. Furthermore, Google is said to be using two devices designed and built by HTC to accompany the change. 

If this new development turns out to be true, it should prove interesting to see how Google positions itself, especially as Nexus has always been the brand associated with purer versions of the Android OS. 

As far as the devices go, it is believed that a 5" and 5.5" model will be on the way, both of which will feature a simple "G" logo, akin to the one seen in Google's recent style change. Added to this, each device will feature a special version of Android Nougat, according to Android Central. Precisely what will make this version of the operating system special, compared to the purer stock version seen in previous Nexus devices remains to be seen.


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