By 25 October 2013 | Categories: news


With the holiday season fast approaching, both Sony and Microsoft are beginning to beat the battledrums, with each asserting that come the end of the year, theirs is the console to get (in the Xbox One’s case, if you can).

To this end, both have released new commercials aimed at winning players hearts, and more importantly, cajoling them to start opening their wallets. On Sony’s end, the company aims to show just how many games the PS4 will accommodate.

Their commercial asserts that in excess of 180 games are in development for the PS4, pointing out that these 24 exclusive titles from some 14 award winning studios, the likes of Sucker Punch, Sony Santa Monica, Media Molecule and Guerilla Games. Additionally, the new commercial also makes no bones about the fact that, in the case of certain multiplatform titles, the PS4 will enjoy exclusive DLC – such as Assassin’s Creed 4, which will enjoy at least hour worth of exclusive gameplay. Furthermore, Sony’s commercial forthright and boldly asserts that “the PS4 is the best place to play.”  

For Microsoft’s part, their latest commercial for the Xbox One is possibly the best and most lively for their next-gen console we’ve seen to date, with terrific touches of humour (particularly watch out for the zombie in the trailer below). Admittedly, we would be considerably more excited about the Xbox One if we actually knew when, and at what price point those of us in the apparently remote tip of Africa were receiving it. That aside, Microsoft has certainly done much right in its latest promo to entice its customers in the US, Canada, and other select markets.

To the point

The two approaches couldn’t be more different. Whereas the Xbox One commercial concentrates on a few core titles with the theme of inviting you to step into the game, Sony hits you with clips of one game after another, after another, practically assaulting your eyeballs and barely giving you a moment to breath. Perhaps more tellingly, Sony doesn’t just highlight AAA titles, indies are included as well in their showreel.

While Sony’s battlecry may be a shock and awe campaign, with quantity in its arsenal, Microsoft’s is lighter on titles and also in tone, and somewhat more entertaining. At the end of the day though, each accomplish what they no doubt set out to do – drum up excitement and anticipation. Clear, the next-gen console war is underway.


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