The best (and worst) of April Fools' Day 2017
By Staff Writer 3 April 2017 | Categories: news
Tech companies do a lot of things well. Humour, however, is not one of them. Despite this, the past weekend's April Fools' Day did not stop a flurry of pranks, both good and bad. Instead of trawling the web to find the best and worst ones, we've compiled them below.
GeForce GTX G-Assist
We gotta admit, this one had us going for the first 10 seconds of Nvidia's video. With Artificial Intelligence (AI) a hot button topic in tech at the moment, having a gaming accessory built around this technology is only a matter of time. Nvidia's GeForce GTX G-Assist helps when the pizza delivery guy is at your door, ensuring that multiplayer session of Rainbow Six Siege does not get paused.
Ms. PAC-Maps
This isn't quite a new prank by Google, with the company doing a Pac-Man version two years ago. Nevertheless, the chance to play as Ms. Pac-Man in Google Maps was too good to pass up this weekend. With many pranks often resulting in face palms, this one was easily Google's best for 2017.
Amazon also got in the action over the weekend, using their Alexa-enabled Echo speaker in the process. Their new offering is designed for our furry friends, with Amazon introducing Petlexa to the mix. The promo video for this ridiculous product starts with a hamster in his wheel, with Petlexa letting him know how many steps he's racked up. The rest is equally absurd but well worth a watch and chuckle.
Netflix Live
When we heard Netflix had done something for April Fools' Day, we assumed it would be Netflix and Chill-inspired. Instead, the streaming company enlisted the talents of Will Arnett (Lego Batman) to launch Netflix LIVE!, which has subsequently been cancelled, lasting less than 48 hours following its announcement. If you have a Netflix account, you can watch Arnett commentate on the mundane for 40 minutes, and see why the show was doomed from the start.
Duolingo Emoji course
Duolingo is a company that allows users to learn new languages via its online portal. A company that tries to stay ahead of the trends, they've fictitiously launched a new language course for those wanting to learn to speak Emoji. Offering five minute sessions a day for free, this could be great for grandparents wanting to connect better with their grandchildren.
And the worst - Google Gnome
Google did not hold back this April Fools' Day, debuting almost a dozen different pranks over the weekend. The worst, unfortunately, was Google Gnome, which does everything the normal Google Home can do, while sporting a blue coat and red pointy hat. It's not Gnome which is the worst part of this prank video, but rather the family, who ask a number of really dumb questions. See for yourself below.
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