By 12 April 2017 | Categories: news


Keen for a new PlayStation exclusive title? Might we turn your attention to Uncharted: Lost Legacy, the latest installment in the franchise from Naughty Dog. This version may not feature fan favourite Nathan Drake, but does serve up co-op gameplay and two protagonists in the form of Chloe Frazer and Nadine Ross. 

While this is a spin-off from the main Uncharted games, it retains many of the tenants from the series, especially if the recent trailer is anything to go by. As such, highly detailed surrounds and an immersive storytelling experience are on the cards. With Naughty Dog well versed in co-op games following the success of The Last of Us, we have full faith the developer can pull this one off too. 

Slated for arrival on PS4 (no mention of PS4 Pro variant) come 22 August, Uncharted: Lost Legacy is set to retail around the $40 mark Stateside, probably inflating to R1 000 locally. Hit play on the trailer below to see if this new game evokes the same spirit as the rest of the Uncharted series. 


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