Watch Emergence Day all over again
By Ryan Noik 24 July 2015 | Categories: news
Brace yourself, because a new video ahead of the release of Gears of War Ultimate Edition for the Xbox One, introducing Emergence Day, has surfaced.
For those who don’t recall, in the Gears of War universe, Emergence Day marked the fateful appearance of the orthodontically challenged Locust. As you can see in the intro trailer, among the Locust’s many crimes such as being responsible for destroying an entire civilisation and its glorious architecture, they also upended a perfectly good glass of wine. Depending on your esteem for wine, some might consider the latter the most heinous of all their crimes.
The trailer also shows, at least briefly, how majestic Sera was prior to the Locusts and the scorched earth policy that followed. In its place, of course, we get Marcus Fenix and his band of roughnecks, grunting while sawing a Locust in half, grunting while shooting a Locust in the face, and grunting while firing into a mob of approaching enemies.
All the testosterone fueled gunplay aside though, the cinematic intro trailer actually serves as a good primer for the forthcoming game, as well as impetus to revisit any old copies of the game you may have on the Xbox 360 if you absolutely cannot wait to remember Marcus in his full grunting glory.
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