By 15 May 2015 | Categories: news


Next week is shaping up to be a big one for RPG gamers, as The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt gets primed to debut on 19 May. To further add to the hype and anticipation, the official launch trailer titled "A Night to Remember" has surfaced. Just like the game itself, this trailer features all the no holds barred action, and nudity that Wild Hunt promises, so it may be slightly NSFW.

This launch trailer is cinematic in nature, and to the Polish game developer CD Projekt Red's credit, outdoes some of the best Hollywood blockbusters around in terms of look and style. Without giving too much away, it sees our white haired hero Geralt take on an evil spirit masquerading as a crimsoned locked woman. Needless to say, this trailer goes from quiet and serene, and then explodes into action. Click on the video below, and enjoy for yourself.

Choices aplenty

Although Wild Hunt will be available on both the PS4 and Xbox One, it’s the PC gamers that should sit up and take notice at this point, as IGN showcased a few of the PC setting customisation options available in The Witcher 3. The team at IGN sat down with some of CD Projekt Red's senior developers for a demo of the game, and decided to view some of the settings that PC gamers can use to fine tune their Wild Hunt viewing experience. As far as whether the same level of customisation will be extended to next-gen console gamers, nothing is known. Either way though, we're looking forward to trying on Wild Hunt for size. Check out the IGN video here.


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