By 8 May 2015 | Categories: news


Zombie Nazis return for Bethesda Softworks' World War II reimagining - Wolfenstein: The Old Blood. A prequel to the latest installment in the franchise released last year, The New Order, this prequel follows the insane odds stacked against protagonist BJ Blazkowicz and his attempts to infiltrate Castle Wolfenstein.

Bethesda first broke word of the prequel earlier in the year, with a 1940s era-esque trailer. Now, The Old Blood will be available for digital download on the PlayStation Network, Xbox Live and Steam, with physical copies of the game arriving on 15th May locally.  

This title features a two-part mission, with Rudi Jäger and the Den of Wolves seeing our hero Blazkowicz stealthily making his way into Castle Wolfenstein. The second part, named The Dark Secrets of Helga Von Schabbs, places a bit more emphasis on fast-paced action, as Blazkowicz heads to the fictional city of Wulfburg (near Castle Wolfenstein) to thwart the plots of an obsessed Nazi archaeologist.

If taking on some Zombie-Nazis and rewriting history feel like a good way to spend this upcoming weekend, check out the launch and gameplay trailers for The Old Blood after the break.   


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