IBM's Quantum Experience processors take significant step forward

By Robin-Leigh Chetty 17 May 2017

The latest development marks a major milestone for IBM's Quantum computing division. FULL STORY >


Acer details incoming hardware for South Africa in 2017

By Robin-Leigh Chetty 12 May 2017

Following its recent Next@Acer event in New York, Acer South Africa shed some light on the hardware it will be releasing in SA in the coming months. FULL STORY >


Leak suggests Microsoft has its own Amazon Echo Show rival

By Robin-Leigh Chetty 10 May 2017

An impending HomeHub update for Windows 10 could turn your Microsoft device into a similar offering to Amazon's new Echo Show. FULL STORY >


Why South Africa’s agricultural industry needs digital transformation

By Press Release 9 May 2017

Mark McCallum, CTO at Orange Business Services, looks at the important role that technology and the digital transformation have to play in South Africa’s agricultural sector. FULL STORY >


Samsung introduces Samsung Mobile Care for Galaxy S8 and S8+

By Staff Writer 8 May 2017

Samsung does away with ADH for the Galaxy S8 and S8+, replacing it with Samsung Mobile Care. FULL STORY >


Digital disruption in the financial services industry is inevitable

By Press Release 4 May 2017

Deloitte and Mastercard review transformative power of technology in Africa during World Economic Forum on Africa 2017. FULL STORY >


Sony announces date and time for their E3 2017 press conference

By Robin-Leigh Chetty 4 May 2017

With Microsoft having already done so, it's now the turn of Sony to announce when it will showcase its latest offerings at E3 2017. FULL STORY >


Internet-providing satellites on the agenda for SpaceX in 2019

By Robin-Leigh Chetty 4 May 2017

The next step for Elon Musk's company is sending internet-providing satellites into space. FULL STORY >


AWS and the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)

By Press Release 3 May 2017

Stephen Schmidt, VP, Security Engineering & chief information Security officer at Amazon Web Services, explains the work AWS is doing to help customers with the GDPR as part of their continued commitment to help ensure they can comply with... FULL STORY >


10 tips for a hybrid network enabled security

By Press Release 3 May 2017

Mark McCallum, CTO and head of solutions for sub-Saharan Africa at Orange Business Services, weighs in on the value of hybrid network enabled security for businesses operating in the modern business environment, as well as tips on how best to... FULL STORY >


HID Global adds trust to Online Transactions and Digital Access with HID Approve Mobile App

By Press Release 3 May 2017

HID Global, a worldwide leader in trusted identity solutions, today announced a new app, HID Approve, which turns a mobile device into a handheld validation device or “authenticator” that verifies... FULL STORY >


$220 upgrade kit will add eye tracking to HTC Vive

By Robin-Leigh Chetty 2 May 2017

With Microsoft expected to make a number of announcements at its event later today, images and video of a new Surface notebook have prematurely been 'released'. FULL STORY >


Innovation, education key to SA transition to Industrie 4.0

By Press Release 28 April 2017

The Fourth Industrial Revolution or ‘Industrie 4.0’ is forever changing the world of manufacturing and automation. To keep pace with global trends, South Africa must invest in education and innovation, experts say. FULL STORY >


Acer’s announces all new Aspire Notebooks

By Press Release 28 April 2017

Yesterday Acer revealed the all-new Aspire notebook line at its global press event in New York. Featuring Windows 10, the range of everyday notebooks cater to a wide range of consumer needs, spanning from the family-and-student friendly Aspire 1 and... FULL STORY >


The latest in IP access control – cloud, data overload and more threats

By Press Release 26 April 2017

By Neil Cameron, Johnson Controls Area General Manager, Building Efficiency – Africa FULL STORY >

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